welcome to the crew
We’re a SCUBA diving community
for Black and Brown women.
Our ultimate goal is to get more Black and Brown women in the water through free and low-cost SCUBA certifications and experiences. We know that most people don't just jump into diving and providing a safe space for community building, discovery, and wellness is imperative to reach our goal. So, whether you just want to sit at the bottom of a pool and blow some bubbles or take some selfies at depth, we're down! The Crew is eager to meet new dive friends, experienced and inexperienced, wherever you are in your journey!
check out our eventsSCUBA diving, like many recreational activities, has some pretty significant access barriers. Barriers like financial constraints and a lack of representation of Black, Brown, and even women divers to introduce us to the underwater world prevent our community from engaging and enjoying ocean spaces at the surface and at depth.
Let’s keep it real, while we offer free and low-cost programming, free ain’t free! So while we’re breaking down access barriers, we could always use your help to sustain our community.